Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thumbsucker (with Keanu)

"Have you seen my photo of Keanu?" That's been my opening gambit with everyone I meet for the past 24 hours. Saw him on the red carpet Tuesday night Sept 13 along with Tilda Swinton as a towering platinum blonde . I told her: "I loved you in Constantine." She responded: "Thanks. He's here." And 10 minutes later Keanu made his way slowly toward us through the lobby of the Elgin. Writer/Director Mike Mills was also there along with stars Kelli Garner and Lou Pucci, who did an outstanding job playing Justin - a 17-year old in Oregon who still sucks his thumb. Justin's new-age orthodontist Perry (Keanu) tries using hypnosis to help him stop. Justin goes along for a while but is still floundering at school and in his relationship with Rebecca (Kelli Garner). His anger at Perry erupts and he and his parents Audrey (Tilda Swinton) and Mike (Vincent D'Onofrio) are called in for a meeting at school. Justin is pegged as ADHD and prescribed Ritalin, which his parents reluctantly let him take. Justin's transformation is dramatic: he reads Moby Dick in a single night and provides college-level analysis in class. He becomes a compelling debater and leads the school team to several successive victories. His new-found confidence and clarity are impressing everyone and scaring his teacher Vince Vaughn. Meanwhile, Audrey - an RN who is fasinated with a TV star played by Benjamin Bratt - takes a new job working at a celebrity drug rehab facility and Justin is convinced they are having an affair. When Justin's debating rival sees him taking Ritalin before a competition, he berates him: "Don't you know it's just speed. It's only 3 molecules different than cocaine." Justin adopts this battle cry and we watch as changes continue in life without the drug.

This is a movie with many small, beautiful moments and fabulous writing and performances. Keanu's monotone delivery is perfect for his role; Tilda Swinton is lovely as the loving mom and dedicated nurse; Benjamin Bratt has a delightful cameo as the addicted star. I really loved it when Justin's kid brother tells him: "You think you're the only one with problems? While you were out being crazy, I had to step up and be normal." SEE THIS FILM! You will finish by cheering for Thumbsucker the movie - and the actor. MMMMM

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