Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dave Chappelle's Block Party

Okay, this movie's for Richard's niece Lisa who loves rap music. Dave Chappelle is boy from the 'hood who became a successful comedian - so successful that he's worth $50 million. So he decides to throw a block party. And he walks around inviting people with a bullhorn. And even travels to Dayton, Ohio to invite the band from Drumline and other locals (the middle-aged lady who runs the corner store whom we see struggling with her packing saying "I don't know what to wear to a rap party.") Lots of memorable moments on film. Three busloads of people from Dayton show up in Brooklyn at this designated street corner (which is not really publicized but people just go and figure it out) and Dave is his ineffable self throughout. Laugh-out-loud funny, this film gets MMMM from me for being a great 'home movie'. Said hello to Director Michel Gondry who did Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and directed several innovative music videos for The Chemical Brothers, Bjork, and The White Stripes. As Now writer Cameron Bailey said when he introduced the film and director: "If your music collection includes nothing but bands that Michel Gondry has made videos for, you're doing all right." This film is a work in progress but I loved its raw quality and the eclectic mix of people at the Elgin. Lots of great rap performances - which, I'll admit got a bit tiresome after a while - but seeing Lauren Hill and Wycliffe Jean at the end and Dave's hilarious banter (and musical riffs) throughout made up for the two hours I had lost the night before. Block Party would be a good DVD to rent and put in the background at a party. Music and laughter truly are the universal languages.

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