Monday, September 12, 2005

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

Sat. Sept 10 was Tim Burton's Corpse Bride and it was exciting to see everyone on the red carpet. Got Johnny Depp's autograph and saw both Tim and his life partner Helena all looking fabulous. The movie itself is a 78-minute stop action animation based on an Eastern European fairy tale. Johnny Depp is Victor who is betrothed to Victoria (Emily Watson). After a few missteps at the wedding rehearsal, Victor is told by the pastor emphatically: "Learn your vows." He goes off into the woods to practice and is overheard by Emily (Helena Bonham-Carter) who immediately accepts his unwitting proposal. A few pints with the dead later, Victor gets back to the living to find Victoria but Emily whisks him back down below before they can reconnect. Resigned, Victor makes plans to go ahead with his marriage to his corpse bride while Emily's parents find a new suitor in Lord Batchkiss, who is only after Emily's family fortune. Everything comes together in the big ol' wedding scene at the end, but which bride will prevail?

Fans of Tim Burton and The Nightmare Before Christmas will love this film. Richard wondered who this guy's audience is. I give it MMMM - for the excitement of seeing Johnny Depp and the adorable skeleton dog Scraps. Music by Danny Elfman (who was also at the screening) was great fun. Not sure if kids can handle the scary looking imagery (eyeballs in soup, talking maggots) but it captured and held my attention. If you're not a diehard Burton fan, wait for the DVD.

We love Johnny Depp
Gracious on the red carpet
Tim's Corpse Bride is fun


Robert said...

Burton's many fans
would really like Starewicz
The Mascot is cool

lelizard said...

I'm soo jealous! First, you've seen The Corpse Bride and second, JOHNNY DEPP! Ahhhh.....

Check out - Tim Burton has turned some of his poems into cartoons.

Anonymous said...

Spent the entire day with Helena shooting a press junket at the four seasons over the weekend. I know more about this movie than most who have seen it!! Looking forward to seeing this one.

Anonymous said...

you and Johny. Cool! it still looks doctored though.

Yvonne will be jealous.
