Monday, September 12, 2005


Saw TIFF veterans Joe & Shawn at the Osgoode subway before meeting the group.

C.R.A.Z.Y. was this year's group pick - a tender movie about Zac, one of 5 brothers in the Beaulieu household in Montreal. Zac is born on Christmas Day in 1960 and we follow him growing up, struggling to fit in and coming to terms with his sexuality. The family scenes are very real and touching and although this movie was long I enjoyed it and gave it MMMMm. Based on the true story of the writer's life, it took 10 years to get made. Richard was less enthusiastic and found it tedious. Moses Znaimer was there but I don't know his reaction. I thought the performances were outstanding - especially Zac and his father Michel Cote. This should get a lot of Genie nominations.

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