Thursday, March 27, 2008

Doc Challenge Finalists

Check out the list of 14 doc challenge finalists on

You won't find Team haikugirl in the list but I like my friend Joe's philosophy:

Well, whoretoculture did it the first year, and haikugirl the second, but alas, neither of us made the cut in IDC's third year. Oh, well. At least your friends from Team Profluence did. I don't know them, but I'll be cheering them on for the big prize. Congrats on finishing another project, though. Can't wait to swap movies!

IDC's a wrap
14 Finalists this year
GO Team Profluence!


Ted Fisher said...

We will be very, very glad to see you again -- and visit your lovely city. Drinks?


Ted Fisher said...

Well, we'll see everyone there, and we can be easily found: look for anyone with a martini glass in one hand and a camera in the other.

Not that that really narrows it down....


Dana Bartle said...

Thank you so much for your support! Can't wait to see you and be reunited. Lets have dinner one night while we are there.