Monday, April 09, 2007

Mexican directors - No longer confused

Okay, I just need to write down the key works of the three HOT Mexican directors to cement them in my head (I'm a visual learner, what can I say?):

1. Alfonso Cuaron directed
Children of Men
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Y tu mama tambien
He also did the short "Parc Monceau" as part of Paris, je t'aime

2. Guillermo del Toro directed
Pan's Labyrinth

3. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu directed
21 Grams
Amores perros

Now that I've got it all straight, if only I could figure out how to insert the accents on my Mac...

1 comment:

BunkleLife said...

Ha!! THANK YOU for this, I have the same challenge...will use this as my cheat sheet