Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Slumdog sweeps the Golden Globes!

Of course I was delighted to see Slumdog Millionaire - my top film of 2008 - win BIG at the Golden Globes. YAY! Best Screenplay, Best Original Score, Best Director and Best Picture - Drama. Whoohoo! Vicky Christina Barcelona won for Best Picture - Musical or Comedy - I've been wanting to see that (Richard is not keen for Woody.) Kate Winslett certainly went on too long in BOTH of her speeches but good for her for winning. And Mickey Rourke won Best Actor - wow. Still not sure if I want to see The Wrestler. My former Director was very disappointed that Leonardo didn't win for Revolutionary Road. He thought it was "wrenching" and recommends seeing it when you feel "solid" about your life and relationships. I know it won't be an upper - even darker than American Beauty. Does Sam Mendes only do depressing stories of suburban angst and decay? Will check out RR one blustery afternoon this bone-chilling winter.

Toronto temperatures now -21C (-30 with wind chill) so we're catching up to Winnipeg, where Harry Connick Jr and Renee Zellweger shot New In Town as a stand-in for small-town Minnesota. [The discussion boards on this are funny - people saying "that's not what Minnesota is like" - well maybe because they shot it in Winnipeg!?] I just found out large parts of Across the Universe were also filmed in the 'Peg. Will have to see it again with an eye to locations...

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