Saturday, January 03, 2009


My first movie of 2009 was really great! Finally saw JCVD Friday night after work with Rich at the new AMC 24 Theatres at Yonge & Dundas (those of you at TIFF would have experienced these already.) Saw Seven Pounds here on Dec. 20 - nice but sad.

JCVD is Jean-Claude Van Damme who plays Jean-Claude Van Damme. As they say in the tongue-in-cheek trailer they shopped around Cannes in 2007: "it's not a documentary, it's a biopic." Jean-Claude is trying to convince them he's perfect for the role - of course he is! It's a meta-movie with perfect casting! The Gaumont intro in the official trailer is the same as in the beginning of the film. The silhouettes crack me up every time.

JCVD is truly great. I don't want to reveal too much - the movie plays and replays scenes adding layers and perspective so the real story is never quite revealed till the end but Director Mabrouk El Mechri is on the 2008 International One to Watch List and the film is showered with glowing reviews.

Near the end Jean-Claude gets vulnerable in an emotional monologue. I haven't seen The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke (see my previous post about Mickey's bad behaviour) but JCVD has the kind of comeback performance that deserves notice. Bravo Jean-Claude! On applaudit...

Jean-Claude Van Damme's great comeback
Mickey should take notes

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