Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Open Letter to Dori

Bonjour Dori en Australie! Watching the Australian Open and thinking of you! Nadal has not dropped a set! Roddick defeated Djokovic (who retired) and will meet Federer in semifinals. Roddick seems weird in the press conference.

Now that the Obama girls are in the White House, people want to know: Do Sasha and Malia have Wii? I know Tomas and Luisa have Wii. Did it come with you to Australie?

Also watching The Biggest Loser Families with guest chef Curtis Stone from TLC's Take Home Chef - my FAVOURITE! Also an Ozzie - he's showing the participants how to cook and eat right.

Getting together with the Montreal gang on Saturday. We will miss you guys!!! Hope Nouvelle Zelande was AMAZING!!! Love, MM & Rich

Dori is in OZ
Enjoy this new adventure
Salut la famille!

Monday, January 19, 2009

New year, New job, Cool books

Well, Barack Obama is starting his new job as the 44th President tomorrow. Good for him! Congratulations Barack! Historic, unprecedented, inspring. And William Peterson (aka Gil Grissom on CSI) is leaving and Morpheus (aka Lawrence Fishburne) is joining the team in Vegas.

I started a new job too! I am on a 6 month secondment with the Ministry of the Environment as Senior Project Advisor for the new Environmental Programs Division (EPD). That means I'm still with the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and working in a new ministry for awhile. I am really enjoying my new position. I love the job and the people I work with and I'm learning a lot of new things every day.

Also enjoying my new Digital Video Editing course at George Brown College on Monday nights. If you get a chance, read the compelling book In the Blink of an Eye by iconic editor Walter Murch. He edited Godfather Part 2, Apocalypse Now (it took over 2 years) and The Conversation starring Gene Hackman. Another great book on film is The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film. Michael Ondaatje interviews Walter Murch. Fascinating stuff. Murch is a genius.

Sending all my American friends lots of love (Canada has already given Obama a 52% approval rating and he hasn't even done anything yet!) Hearts to my favourite Obama Mama in Ancaster. GO MARY! Love, MM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Slumdog sweeps the Golden Globes!

Of course I was delighted to see Slumdog Millionaire - my top film of 2008 - win BIG at the Golden Globes. YAY! Best Screenplay, Best Original Score, Best Director and Best Picture - Drama. Whoohoo! Vicky Christina Barcelona won for Best Picture - Musical or Comedy - I've been wanting to see that (Richard is not keen for Woody.) Kate Winslett certainly went on too long in BOTH of her speeches but good for her for winning. And Mickey Rourke won Best Actor - wow. Still not sure if I want to see The Wrestler. My former Director was very disappointed that Leonardo didn't win for Revolutionary Road. He thought it was "wrenching" and recommends seeing it when you feel "solid" about your life and relationships. I know it won't be an upper - even darker than American Beauty. Does Sam Mendes only do depressing stories of suburban angst and decay? Will check out RR one blustery afternoon this bone-chilling winter.

Toronto temperatures now -21C (-30 with wind chill) so we're catching up to Winnipeg, where Harry Connick Jr and Renee Zellweger shot New In Town as a stand-in for small-town Minnesota. [The discussion boards on this are funny - people saying "that's not what Minnesota is like" - well maybe because they shot it in Winnipeg!?] I just found out large parts of Across the Universe were also filmed in the 'Peg. Will have to see it again with an eye to locations...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Further to my previous post on my top films of 2008. I can also name my WORST film of 2008 - and possibly of all time. That would be none other than Synecdoche, New York - a play on words of Schenectady, NY written and directed by Charlie Kaufman. The guy was so insufferable in the Q&A following the screening of his endless film that it gave new meaning to the word suffering. And it seems my friends are uncovering accolades for this crap project all over the web. Case in point: http://popsugar.com/2372843 where they call it "a visually stunning and thought provoking masterpiece." Time Magazine called it "an instant Cannes classic" - are they on CRACK???

NOT! and again NOT!
This was possibly the most boring and ridiculous film of all time, making it even borderline offensive (well at least Jennifer Jason Leigh's spontaneous German accent in the film belongs in that category!) Synecdoche (or as Keith likes to say See-neck-dosh to add that French je ne sais quoi) has become part of TIFF lore for me and my peeps and ranks right up there with Tiburzi and the Hips of JW as one of the worst TIFF films EVAH!

Another disappointment for me in 2008 was Burn After Reading. Although I love Brad and George and have tremendous respect for the Coen Brothers, the film was only okay, and did not live up to all the HYPE. I am very glad I did not pay $85+ tax during TIFF to see it as a GALA. In contrast, Quantum of Solace was far better than the negative press would suggest.

What is the lesson?
Choose films based on your gut, then
make up your own mind...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

haikugirl's top picks for 2008

Now remember, I have not seen Doubt or Changeling or Gran Torino (and I refuse to see The Wrestler) but these are my top 11 favourite movies of 2008:

1. Slumdog Millionaire
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
4. IronMan
5. Milk
6. Man on Wire
7. RocknRolla
8. The Dark Knight
9. Quantum of Solace
10. All Together Now
11. Rachel Getting Married

You will note I have not distinguished between fiction and doc - they're here if I liked them or thought they were good. A rather eclectic list, if I do say so myself!


My first movie of 2009 was really great! Finally saw JCVD Friday night after work with Rich at the new AMC 24 Theatres at Yonge & Dundas (those of you at TIFF would have experienced these already.) Saw Seven Pounds here on Dec. 20 - nice but sad.

JCVD is Jean-Claude Van Damme who plays Jean-Claude Van Damme. As they say in the tongue-in-cheek trailer they shopped around Cannes in 2007: "it's not a documentary, it's a biopic." Jean-Claude is trying to convince them he's perfect for the role - of course he is! It's a meta-movie with perfect casting! The Gaumont intro in the official trailer is the same as in the beginning of the film. The silhouettes crack me up every time.

JCVD is truly great. I don't want to reveal too much - the movie plays and replays scenes adding layers and perspective so the real story is never quite revealed till the end but Director Mabrouk El Mechri is on the 2008 International One to Watch List and the film is showered with glowing reviews.

Near the end Jean-Claude gets vulnerable in an emotional monologue. I haven't seen The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke (see my previous post about Mickey's bad behaviour) but JCVD has the kind of comeback performance that deserves notice. Bravo Jean-Claude! On applaudit...

Jean-Claude Van Damme's great comeback
Mickey should take notes

Happy New Year!

Wow - 2008 just swooshed out the door and now it's 2009!

Had a wonderful relaxing Christmas (my brother joined us from Oakville for Christmas Day now he's in frigid Winnipeg) and I've been working in between (during STBW "sucks to be working" week.) Took off Dec 31 for my b-day and had a nice lunch at Holt Renfrew Cafe with fellow December birthday friends Pavlina & Mary and then off to see Milk at Varsity. Sean Penn is outstanding - definitely Oscar-worthy. Heard Mickey Rourke was dissing Sean in a text message calling him a homophobe. Both are nominated for Golden Globes along with Brad Pitt who is amazing (and gorgeous) in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Guess we'll see on January 11 who wins and on January 22nd when Oscar noms are announced.

P.S. Was very sad to read that John Travolta's son Jett died while they were on vacation in the Bahamas. Attention Celebrities: don't go on vacation in the Bahamas! Bad things happen.

The week of January 5 is my last week in my current job - on January 12 (all bleary-eyed after watching the Golden Globes on Sunday the 11th) I'm off to a 6 month secondment as Senior Project Advisor with the the Ministry of the Environment helping the Environmental Programs Division expand their use of new media. I am really excited about this new opportunity and will keep you all updated - promise! Plus I'm taking a digital video editing course at George Brown College on Monday nights - hoping to get my chops up before the next International Documentary Challenge March 5-9, 2009. It's going to be a busy year!

haikugirl wishes
you & yours Happy '09
Have an awesome year!