Sunday, September 09, 2007

In Bloom

Saturday night's film was my favourite so far. In Bloom by Vadim Perelmen was beautifully shot, brilliantly constructed and the premiere was replete with stars: Uma Thurman, Evan Rachel Wood, Eva Amurri, plus the Director, Screenwriter and Production Designer. From the opening frame, the DOP and Director created this amazing, surreal world for the characters to inhabit and the performances they delivered were outstanding. The audience was almost in shock after the ending and - like Mulholland Drive - it's the kind of movie that begs for a second viewing so you can go back and piece together all the director's thoughtful choices and echos.

As of Saturday night, there was no North American release date for In Bloom and we were the very first audience to see it EVER. The Director and cast were gracious during Q&A (Uma couldn't stay but Evan's friend Marilyn Manson was also in the audience to support her and Evan answered my question.) See this when it comes out - I'll be seeing it again! MMMMM

The women In Bloom
are gorgeous and the film is
utterly brilliant

Ed. Note: This film was renamed The Life Before Her Eyes and only released the following year.

1 comment:

BunkleLife said...

FYI I was sitting in front of the directors Mom at VIFF the other day - very cute to hear her chat about her son. I gather he picked up the book at an airport and then called his mom and said he had to make a film version of it. His next (he hopes) is Atlas Shrugged (yikes....)