Saturday, September 22, 2007

Be impressed. Be very impressed.

I just got home after running 32K!!! My biggest distance ever! Hardish and Amee and I - WE ALL DID IT! And we were only supposed to do 31K and managed to do that in under 5 hours (4:55 to be exact). So those of you who've been following my progress may recognize that:
a) 31K is 19.37 miles
b) the bridge in the Washington marathon is at mile 19 and
c) they close the bridge after 5 hours
which means that WE WILL MAKE THE BRIDGE!!!! Because we've already done it!

And my recoveries are getting faster (i.e. I can still walk upright today without cringing). I could also choose to walk the remaining 11K (6 miles) left in the marathon after the bridge because I will still finish the race and get my medal. Which is a very heartening concept after 34 weeks of training. Only 5 more weeks to go!

Also, next weekend we fall back to 21K which is actually our half marathon race (13 miles) on Sunday Sept 30. And I did that distance today in 3:08, fulfilling my anticipated goal of 3:15 for the half next Sunday. I think this calls for a haiku:

Go haikugirl go!
run a great half marathon
8 days from today


BunkleLife said...

We're not worthy!!!

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Yo, Marathon Girl!!! You GO!!! I soooo wish I could come and cheer you on in October. You are soooo going to get a medal and a hug from a marine!

Check my email to you at work. I sent you wonderful news about my new life! xoxo Tam