Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fastest Man | Not-so-Fastest Woman

Jamaica's Usain Bolt just ran 100m in 9.69 seconds making him the fastest man on the planet. Pretty amazing to watch. Tonight I am running 15K with my friend Mary and we will take over 2 hours, finishing after dark. We will have blinkers on but there are no lights on part of the trail. It's called A Midsummer Night's Run and it is an event co-organized by Tracey who was JeansMarines' coordinator last year and now has a new venture with her partner Steve: Red Thread Retreat a B&B and retreat centre east of Toronto near Brighton. Richard is running the race too (he'll finish way before me). Luckily the route is close to home - we can walk home!

Yesterday there was marble-sized hail in the middle of the afternoon. Today it's calling for clear skies, temps of 22C (26C with humidex) so not toooooo bad for running. Hopefully it will cool off a bit in the evening too.

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