Friday, March 02, 2007


IDC, the International Documentary Challenge is ON! I logged in to the website to get our genres Thursday morning at 8:00am. We were assigned Experimental and Music and could choose between them. We fired off a question to the organizers and confirmed we could do an Experimental view of ANY topic so we're choosing female endurance athletes. Tamara and I will be heading downtown to the Y to interview runners Saturday before 7:00am!!!

We also have to work in the general theme of Faith. That should be easy with a topic like running. We spent Thursday doing preliminary production work on our topic and setting up our shoot for Saturday. Today, we're practicing with our equipment and scripting. Yesterday with the "storm of the century" brewing it was great to be home but weird to see the tons of snow that dumped down on us in TO.

This competition is INTENSE but fun! With our shoot all day Saturday and editing all day Sunday I will probably only have a chance to blog again on Monday when our short doc is in the CAN and off to FedEx. Wish us luck!!!

IDC is fun
five days to make a short doc
team haikugirl ROCKS!

1 comment:

BunkleLife said...

GO TEAM!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear how it all goes - rooting for ya!