Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Yay reds and friends! Boo ExpressVu :-(

I love reds bistro. I love those mini sirloin burgers. The snack platter and cod and flank steak with onion rings were also awesome! Tonight I met my friend Keith at reds and we shared apps and caught up and it was sooooo relaxing and fun. Then I met Rich at home and we watched what we had recorded on our NEW PVR - very exciting to be able to pause, get a snack and go back to the tv.

Too bad I almost lost my mind on Sunday dealing with the bozo installer from Bell ExpressVu. At 8am two men rang my doorbell and then walked around to the back to check the satellite on the roof. They seemed nice and professional but they needed a longer ladder so they called for someone else. At 1:00 the guy with the longer ladder shows up. At first he was just quiet but then he proved to be a real jerk. I'll call him Igor because he might as well have been in Eastern Promises which I finally saw the night before. Viggo was great in the movie. Igor was a complete ***hole in my life. He wouldn't confirm the work he was going to do, he interrupted and wouldn't listen. He even was swearing while trying to install his own cable. After getting it to go on the roof, he was going to run it all along the outside of our house when I had said I wanted it through the inside. He said: "I don't fish. Get constructor. I'm satellite installer, not constructor." "You mean contractor?" I asked. "Constructor, contractor, all the same, I no fishy." I said my husband would fish it through I just needed it inside. His continual interrupting and limited language skills meant he was stubbornly going to do it his way and wouldn't hear of anything else. He kept drilling holes in my house without asking and when I objected, he said I could cancel the job, someone else could finish. When I agreed to that, he started to take down all the stuff from the roof that he had spent the last hour and a half putting up - "it's my cable, it's my box". I was livid. I was pleading. His tone escalated and so did mine. I told him to stop right now and asked to speak with the supervisor. Only he couldn't get him on the phone and I couldn't get through to Bell. He just kept retreating to his truck and smoking and refused to look me in the eye. I was in tears with the frustration (Richard was unfortunately not around this afternoon). Dori, bless her heart, came to check on me and she called it: the guy wouldn't listen because I was a woman. Finally, the original guys showed up around 3:30 to finish the job. They calmed me down and explained everything and literally saved the day (and the account) and got things working by the time Rich came home. They were so much more helpful and caring and cooperative than "Igor". Thank you Tigram!

Sunday was certainly my worst customer service experience EVER. It's nice to have a PVR but it's hardly worth what I lived through. I logged complaints with Bell and they gave me a small credit but who cares - it cannot repair the post traumatic stress from this horrible, misogynistic man. They should not be inflicting this lowlife on anybody. SuperBowl Sunday is also a top-five contender for the Worst Day Ever award since, in addition to "Igor", I also cut my thumb with a knife (nice gushing blood for my guests) and gashed my knee on the stairs. Thanks to Dori and Ivana for their quick-thinking first aid treatment for my thumb and to Luisa for all her help in the kitchen. Merci les amies!! I'm on the mend. And of course, HUGE thanks to Antonio for all his amazing hard work on the shower downstairs. It looks awesome! I'll be posting an update on that shortly.

my PVR's HOT!
too bad Bell ExpressVu meant
my Sunday was shot

1 comment:

BunkleLife said...

OK that beats my installer-nightmare stories hands down! So sorry you had to go through that - I have had very few positive experiences with telcos and cable provider home visits as well. That compounded with their inability to understand that I am the decision maker and that I don't have to ask a man his opinion on things makes for an unbelievably joyous time.
And sorry about the injuries too!!