Tuesday, October 09, 2007

2500 years of herioc running....

So good old Pheidippides ran the distance from Marathon, Greece to Athens back in 490 BC then collapsed and died from exhaustion after announcing the Greeks' victory over the Persians (conflicting stories about exactly what he said: "Niki" (victory) or "Rejoice we conquer"). The modern marathon is even longer than he had to go (he did 40K, the modern distance is 42K or 26.2 miles)

Here are more links with marathon stories and marathon history

FYI: The route for this weekend's Chicago Marathon was closed at the halfway point due to the heat - I hope the weather is kind to us on October 28 in DC. One of our JeansMarines completed the full marathon in 5:12 despite the heat - way to go Frances (bib 21471)! At 56 you beat my former classmate Dan from Calgary, who did 5:40 at age 43 (bib 22077). Check the website to search for their race results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It was pretty toasty out there. Hoping Washington is cool and comfortable. You will have a GREAT time.


PS I'm planning to run Philadelphia Marathon on Nov 18, it has to be cooler than Chicago!