Thursday, May 17, 2007

Seven Wonders of Canada

You are invited to vote on the short list of 52 nominees for the Seven Wonders of Canada! It's so cool to see the list of what was nominated and think of how many you know or have seen. I smiled to see the Montreal Bagel and Grand Beach, Lake Winnipeg on the list. Of course I'm voting for the Rockies and the Manitoba Legislative Building since I was a tour guide there in the summer of '83 (hard to believe it was that long ago...) Yay Golden Boy!

Check the list and start planning your summer vacations!!! I want to know your picks...

The only footnote is: I wish we could vote on 7 man-made AND 7 natural or ancient wonders of Canada - and have more winners! (like the beautiful mosaics in the lobby of the Empire State Building - check the virtual tour)

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