Friday, October 07, 2005

TIFF Top Picks

Attention filmlovers: If you attended TIFF 2005, I want to hear your Best and Worst picks of the fest. List at least 3 (and up to 5) in each category. This year, I saw 11 films (less than a third of Joe's 35) and enjoyed the diversity of my choices and the access to stars on the red carpet. After 13 years, I also think I'm getting better at film selection, but you be the judge:

1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (for Robert Downey Jr's narration and the director's surprises)
2. Thumbsucker (for Keanu's lines and Tilda Swinton's and Lou Pucci's performances - see it in theatres now!)
3. C.R.A.Z.Y. (because it was real, touching and uniquely 70's Canadian)
4. a tie: Corpse Bride (for the chance to meet Johnny Depp on the red carpet at the Elgin) and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (because I got to see it with Les Boys and it prompted such discussion afterward)
5. Sketches of Frank Gehry (for the relaxing pace and beautiful examples of his work)

1. Beowulf & Grendel (we walked out - need we say more?)
2. Entre ses mains (In His Hands) - how many times can you walk back into the arms of a killer?
3. Nanook of the North (well, at least the throatsingers were interesting)

Okay TIFF (and VIFF) veterans - let's hear from you! Post your comments on this blog or email me - you know where I live!

haikugirl / MM

1 comment:

Mathew Englander said...

I posted scores, representing my reaction to films I saw at TIFF, here.


Mother of Mine
Adam's Apples
The Quiet
The [Grönholm] Method
The Last Hangman
Banlieue 13


Battle in Heaven
Les Saignantes
Time Off [Paréntesis]
À travers la forêt

Currently I am way behind in my blogging about VIFF.