Saturday, November 05, 2005

Memories from TIFF 2004

I was rooting through the pile of photos on our external hard drive and found these treasures from TIFF 2004. Enjoy the panoplay of stars...

Sean Penn at the screening of The Assination of Richard Nixon, the 2004 group pick. Notice the crummy walls at the Ryerson Theatre. The reno in time for TIFF 2005 was a big improvement. As for the movie, like Sean said, "I can't say 'enjoy the film', but..." His performance was great but don't rent this unless you're an insomniac...

A good shot of Director John Waters and TIFF co-Director Noah Cowan. Johnny Knoxville striding by in his white suit. Not my favourite people or film but I like my pix of them ;-)

Red carpet shots of Chris Cooper and Daryl Hannah with Antonio - our own resident star. Plus, the entire cast of Silver City (can you find Billy Zane behind the chic at the mic?) Proof that the quality of the film is indirectly proportionate to the number of people onstage.

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