Sunday, December 10, 2006

Volver - at last!

I can't believe I'm only getting to my review of Volver now. Saw it November 26 and was blown away. I think it is Almodovar's best film and definitely Penelope's best onscreen performance ever. She has this other dimension when acting in her native Spanish and she is truly outstanding. The entire female cast deserved the award for Best Actress at Cannes. Definitely deserves an MMMMM rating.

At lunch on Friday we were trying to think about potential nominees for best actress and actor for the Oscars and naming quality female performances was tough. Penelope tops my list, they'll probably nominate Cate Blanchett for Babel (haven't seen it yet) but most of the movies this year have focused on men's stories. They may have to nominate Kate Winslet for The Holiday because there's not much else to consider. Except Catherine O'Hara in For Your Consideration, which - true to its premise - already has Oscar buzz.

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