Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Holiday and Pavlina's Birthday

Had a Girls Night for the Film Club on Friday: went to see The Holiday. A charming movie that put us in the mood for Christmas and New Year's. Kate Winslet is lovely and Cameron Diaz does fine as Amanda. I just want her job/life/LA home with built-in recording studio that she uses to edit movie trailers. Jack Black's at-home studio is the new model for ours upstairs (complete with Herman Miller chair.) He plays a guy who scores movies and he does this great bit in the film where he walks through the video store with Kate Winslet and points out all the great soundtracks. Lots of sweet moments in the film - especially for Kate Winslet's and Jude Law's characters. I sometimes felt Cameron Diaz was a bit out of her element with the other acting heavyweights but her wardrobe is da bomb.

After the movie we headed to Il Fornello on the Danforth to have dinner and celebrate Pavlina's birthday. She was sick all week so we were happy she felt well enough to come out for the evening. We had yummy food and even sang Happy Birthday with a candle in the creme brulee. Bonne Fete Pavlina!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love diaz's wardrobe as well!! so want one of those long white pencil skirts