Friday, May 30, 2008

HBO's Recount

Recount tells the story of an unbelievable time in U.S. history: the Florida recount following the 2000 presidential election. Chock full of A-List actors (Kevin Spacey, Tom Wilkinson, Dennis Leary, and Laura Dern playing crazymaking Katherine Harris among others) these performances are sure to be honoured at next year's Golden Globes. This film is gripping, shocking, and a sad reminder that sometimes, even when you win, you can't win.

Check out the Recount trailer and comments online and see this if you get a chance. Even though we know how it ends, it's stunning to relive the dramatic twists and turns. And despite the obvious point of view of Writer Danny Strong, you still learn more than you thought you knew, or at least get most of the facts with better packaging. Triumph of the rule of law my A**!

HBO's Recount
sure to be rewarded at
next year's Golden Globes

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