Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My friend Joe the filmmaker

Got an email from my friend Joe Kuehne in Washington, DC who is one of my filmfest buddies. He recently entered the 5-day Documentary Challenge and placed in the Top 12 worldwide!! Here is his email:

It was a documentary short competition (9 minutes max) that was open to teams worldwide and had to be completed in five days. We did it at the end of March, and found out two days ago that we were selected as one of the Top 12 from the competition. That means our film will be packaged with the other 11 finalists as a feature-length series that will be sent to film festivals around the world.

They already have commitments from events in DC and New Zealand, and there's even one in Canada (I think it's in Toronto). That last one is sponsored by the National Film Board of Canada and the Documentary Organization of Canada. There's also a TV distribution deal in the works, and we're still eligible for all the major
awards for the competition, which will be given out in July here in DC. I'll keep you posted on dates and other info.


Met in line at TIFF
Now documentary STAR
Joe we're proud of you!

Joe also spent the past weekend doing the 48-hour film project, also in DC, which started Friday at 7:00pm (read: NO SLEEP this weekend.) He is directing, his cohorts are writing and another TIFF buddy Shawn is the DP.

GO TEAM JOE! We can't wait to see the final product - pls bring tapes to TIFF in September.

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